Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Abu Hurairah ra said: that the Prophet has said: "There are seven groups that will receive the protection of Allah on the day that no protection except the protection-Nya.Mereka is a fair leader, a young boy who always worship Allah Almighty, someone whose heart dipertautkan always with a mosque, two people who love each other because of God, which is both gathered and separated for God, a man who when seduced by a beautiful noblewoman again and he replied: "Truly I fear God", someone issued a Sadaqah then in-sembunyikannya to the extent that his left hand not knowing what was done right hand, and someone who remembrance of God in a solitary place, then he shed tears ". (H. R. Bukhary - Muslim).
This hadith explains that on the Day of Judgement there are seven types or classes of people will get the protection of Allah., Namely:

1.Being a leader is just a fair leader is not easy, it takes sacrifice thoughts, feelings, possessions, even the soul. In Islam, leadership is not a facility but a mandate. If we assume that leadership position as a facility or, most likely we will use that leadership as a means of enriching themselves regardless of the aspects of kosher or aharam.Sebaliknya, if we assume the leadership or rank it as a mandate, we will implement leadership with honesty and responsibility. Well, to carry out the mandate of leadership in a way that it is not easy, therefore logical that we be a fair leader, God will provide protection in the hereafter.

2.Young people are godly Youth is the golden age because of physical condition is still excellent. But acknowledged that the testing of one's youth is very diverse and powerful. Therefore, if there are young children who could pass the golden ages by taqarrub (closer) to Him, to distance themselves from a variety of disobedience, and able to control the appetite syahwatnya, God will give His protection on the day of reward and recognition kiamat.Ini that God has given to young children pious.

3.People whose hearts are bound to the mosque phrase "a person whose heart is always dipertautkan a mosque" as mentioned above hadith, at least show two senses. The first sense, the people whenever and wherever they are places of worship have always wanted to prosper. The second sense, people who never neglect of worship in the midst of whatever she lived.

4.Points are friends because God is drawn from the phrase "two people who love each other because of God, which is both gathered and separated for God".Friendly due to Allah. means we love someone or hate it not because of wealth, status, or other matters that are material, but pure solely because of Allah swt. If we do good friend, we support it, and if we remind him to do wrong, even if we dare to leave her best friend if it would plunge us in gelimang sin and sinners. This is what is meant by friendship for God.

5.Able to face the temptations of the opposite sex "A man who when wooed by a beautiful noblewoman again and he replied: "Truly I fear God." This sentence illustrates that if we are able to face the temptations of lust of the opposite sex, then we will get the protection of Allah on the Day of Resurrection.Here portrayed a man who seduced beautiful noblewoman nan but she refused his invitation not because it tastes to the woman, but because of fear of Allah. Thus, the fear of God who became man's castle, so it does not fall in immoral acts.Therefore God also gave awards to the Day of Resurrection by giving His help.Here is likened to the man who seduced a woman, but very likely the woman was tempted men.

6.Upright in the charity "A person who issued alms to the point and then hid his left hand not knowing what it sends his right hand." This picture of sincerity in charity. So ihklasnya in charity to the point that the left hand did not know what diinfakkan or donated by his right hand. The question is, can we give alms while known to others, even our name displayed in the newspaper? It's okay, provided we really intend for Allah., Not because of search popularity.Consider the following verse, "If you reveal your charity, then it's very good. And if ye hide it and you give to poor people, then hid it better for you. And God will wipe you from some mistakes, and God knows what you do. "(QS Al-Baqarah 2: 271)

7.Remembrance of Allah with khusyu "Someone remembrance of God in the wilderness, then he shed tears." Dhikr means to remember Allah. If someone pray with khusyu until he felt tears because it is very delicious and Munajat dhikr to Him, then God will give help to him later on the Day of Judgement.

Sources: http://dunia-panas.blogspot.com/2010/08/7-manusia-yang-mendapatkan-perlindungan.html 

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