Central Brain Activation

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Central Brain Activation?
Activation of the midbrain is a phenomenal discovery in children's education. Actual use of the midbrain theory has been widely applied in many countries in Asia, especially Japan. Japan has long been the practice of the middle brain activation in young children who have been activated anak.Seorang midbrain will have more ability than children who have not been in the middle of brain activation. Activities with your eyes closed is an activity that most significantly can be seen. A child who has been activated brain center (Mid Brain Activated) can have extraordinary abilities. This capability is often exhibited even miraculously in magic entertainment programs. After looking at the ability of children who have been activated, most of the events at The Master's magic match becomes less attractive.Because this can be done alone by the innocent children who just follow the activation of brain training center for 2 days. Basic capabilities that can be done is to 'see' the card with the eyes closed (blind fold). Christofle (9 yrs), for example, after the training activation of the midbrain, can sort the cards according to numbers, colors and shapes the picture cards with their eyes closed. He can use the touch senses to see the patterns and colors complete with figures just by sight skin (Skin Vision). Another capability that can be done by the children are walking with eyes closed, without crashing. Conducted experiments on a boy who walked with his eyes closed cloth. Someone deliberately blocking the road in front of him. He was immediately able to avoid obstacles without touching it. A child can even recognize his father among the crowd of other parents, without touching and hearing his voice. At the next level a child is expected to 'see' objects behind walls or inside the box. He can even count the money contained in the wallet a person of such person in front of him without his wallet. If a child is diligently train the middle of brain function even he can expect to read the document located in the closed position. Ability prediction (predict what will happen some time later) is the higher ability that can be owned by a child. A child who has got the activation of the midbrain can 'guess' what cards will appear when the person is still shuffling the cards. Once done shuffling, and choose a card, that person draws a card that turned out exactly like 'alleged' of the child. Activation of the midbrain is not something magical or supernatural smells. Brain activation was done scientifically. Activation of the midbrain, many use the Alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves in a scientifically prove it is a brain wave that appears dominant when we are in a relaxed state and most creative. These brain waves are usually dominant at the time we wake up, or in a relaxed state in the toilet, or even being a hot bath in the tub. No wonder why Archimedes discovered the laws Achimedes when he took a shower. Midbrain activated similar brain emits waves like radar. This makes the owner able to see objects in a state of closed eyes. Basically, the wave is located below the nose.Only able to detect objects that lie just below the nose. Regular exercise can make the child become more powerful and able to see objects located higher. There are even some kids who can detecting up to 360 degrees. That means they can detect objects located behind, above and all directions. Midbrain activation Training has begun in Indonesia. Nowadays not many people know of the existence of this training. Training is usually carried out for 2 days. At that time also usually carried out training for the parents. As with other areas of expertise, parents play a major role to help children develop their potential midbrain. A child with a strong central brain, are expected to develop the right brain and left brain is more leverage so they can be categorized as a genius. Not only in the left hemisphere (IQ, intellectual), or right brain (emotional, EQ) but also in 'Loving Intelligence'. They are individuals who are balanced and loving others as the creator loves him. Unfortunately the middle of the brain activation training can only be done for children aged 5-15 years. source: http://otaktengah.com/ ____________________
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Why Mosquitoes Targeting You? This is the seventh cause

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

The house is hot is usually attractive to mosquitoes. Maybe you do not know what causes it, and just observe. But actually, there are many reasons why mosquitoes are so interested in humans. 7 reasons below may also be aware of.

.You always wear dark colors. Mosquito has always been "programmed" to hunt mammals, which tend to be dark skin and fur, according to entomologist Grayson Brown, PhD. In experiments, lab workers wear white Brown. Evidently, the mosquitoes are so desperate not to them.

.You spray perfume scented flowers. Mosquitoes are happy to suck the sweet liquid in flowers, as the provision of energy to fly and sting. If you wear a rose-scented perfume, is not wrong if you think mosquitoes roses.

.You like to drink beer. Beer drinkers were 63 percent more attractive to mosquitoes than plain water drinkers, according to a study in France. Alcohol does affect bad breath and body smell. Even so, it still needs further research whether this also occurs in the type of alcohol drinkers, such as wine and cocktails.

.You are pregnant. According to the researchers, pregnant women are two times more attractive than non-pregnant women. In particular, in the final trimester of pregnancy, women will breathe 21 percent more, and this lure mosquitoes do like carbon dioxide and humidity. The body temperature of pregnant women also tend to be higher, thus more easily detected by mosquitoes.

.You do not empty the water in the bathtub. You know, the mosquitoes attracted by the pool or puddle of water. For example, rainwater that collected in empty cans. To prevent mosquitoes entering the house, make sure there are no puddles in the house, take a bath in bahttub (bath) at least once a week, trim the lawn regularly, and cover the swimming pool at home (if any) when not in use.

.You love to sleep late at night. Mosquitoes are more active start the evening until the early hours. That's when they began to hunt in your home. Avoid the habit of eating outdoors, so you do not fall prey to mosquitoes.

.You often sweaty. Universita Researchers at Yale found that mosquitoes can target chemicals in our sweat. Sweat can also make you wear insect repellent (eg topically applied or sprayed) easily disappear. Because, apply again every few hours.

sumber :http://www.resep.web.id/
READ MORE - Why Mosquitoes Targeting You? This is the seventh cause

4 Porn Star Celebrities Who Look Like Hollywood

Have you ever seen a porn star who looks like a Hollywood celebrity. Probably never,and automatic inadvertently compare with a movie star, singer or model in America.

Perhaps also the porn star look prettier than Hollywood star. What are alike they are?let us refer to the pictures below:

1. Teagan Presley and Britney Spears

2. Jesse Jane and Jamie Pressly

3. Lexi Belle and Michelle Trachtenberg

4. Sky Lopez and Jennifer Lopez

how similar?
READ MORE - 4 Porn Star Celebrities Who Look Like Hollywood

3 best gun

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

1. FN Five-seven

The FN Five-seven, trademarked as the Five-Seven, is a semi-automatic pistol designed and manufactured by FN Herstal in Belgium. The gun's name refers to its 5.7-mm (.224 in) diameter bullet, and the unusual capitalization style is intended to spell out the manufacturer's initials-FN.
The Five-seven pistol was developed in conjunction with the FN P90 personal defense weapon and the 5.7 × 28mm cartridge. The P90 was introduced in 1990, and the Five-seven was introduced in 1998 as a pistol using the same 5.7 × 28mm ammunition. As a companion to the P90 pistol, the Five-seven shares many of the same features: it is a lightweight polymer-based weapon with a large capacity magazine, ambidextrous controls, low recoil, and the ability to penetrate body armor Pls Certain using cartridges types.
Sales of the Five-seven were the resource persons originally restricted by FN to military and law enforcement customers, but since 2004, the gun has also been Offered to civilian shooters for personal protection, target shooting, and similar uses.Although Offered only with sporting ammunition, the Five-seven's introduction to civilian shooters was met with strong Opposition from gun control Organizations Such as the Brady Campaign, and the gun has been subject to ongoing Controversy in the United States.
The Five-seven is currently in service with military and police forces in over 40 countries throughout the world. In the United States, the Five-seven is in use with numerous law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Secret Service. In the years since the pistol's introduction to the civilian market in the United States, it has also Become increasingly popular with civilian shooters.

2. P3

The '
P3', properly known as the Phased Plasma Gun, is an extremely compact Thatshort-range gun fires a small charge of superheated helium.
     Both the helium gas retains its shape and small volume via a residual magneticfield and the PPP 'bolts' cause significant visible distortion as They travel through the water. Upon impact with an object, the magnetic field is dissipated and the heatdischarged making it extremely effective against un-armored opponents butPractically useless against modern armor with heat dissipation capabilities.
       The P3 is composed only of highly heat-resistant alloys and composites, due to the rapid and extreme heating and cooling That it must Endure During regular useand combined with its high rate of fire, the which Drains its limited energy sourcerapidly, makes it a less than ideal military weapon.
      It is widely used by Police and Urban Pacification Units and is a favorite of almostall criminal gangs and undercover operatives where its compact size means it caneasily be disguised under clothing.
        Even though P3s are expensive to Produce They are the standard-issue militarysidearm for all space-based law enforcement and security personnel. While a straybullet from a normal weapon can puncture the hull of a spacecraft or space station,Causing unintended decompression, a P3 bolt can not penetrate bulkheads orshielding.
        They have a high TQ TQ production cost but low maintenance costs, They arealso extremely reliable, have no ammunition storage issues, are easy to rechargeand it is therefore of little surprise That They are almost universal in Their distribution.

3. Heckler & Koch
The USP (Universale Selbstladepistole or "universal self-loading pistol") is asemi-automatic pistol developed in Germany by Heckler & Koch GmbH (H & K) ofOberndorf am Neckar as a replacement for the P7 series of handguns.

READ MORE - 3 best gun

3 richest people in the world 2011

Senin, 20 Juni 2011


Net Worth : $74.0 Billion
Fortune : Self made
Source : Telecom
Age : 71
Country Of Citizenship : Mexico
Residence : Mexico City
Industry : Telecommunications
Education : NA
Marital Status : Widowed, 6 children


Net Worth : $56.0 Billion
Fortune : Self Made
Source : Microsoft
Age : 55
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Medina, Washington
Industry : Software
Education : Harvard University, Drop Out,
Marital Status : Married, 3 children

Net Worth : $50.0 Billion
Fortune : Self Made
Source : Berkshire Hathaway
Age : 80
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Omaha, Nebraska
Industry : Investments
Education : Columbia University, Master of Science
Marital Status : Widowed, remarried, 3 children
READ MORE - 3 richest people in the world 2011


Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Cause: The cause of asthma is a temporary narrowing of the airway that can cause the sufferer to feel shortness of breath. Vessel constriction occurs in the throat.Heredity plays an important role in this disease, if there are parents or grandparents who suffer from this disease can be decreased to the children or grandchildren.
An allergy to something such as dust, temperature changes, humidity, excessive exercise or emotional stress can cause allergies so that the membranes lining the vessels to swell and excessive mucus so that the vessels become narrow and people with difficulty breathing. Although the attacks of shortness of breath may go away, but severe attack if left untreated can cause death because the patient can not breathe.

Symptoms: Shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing sounds (wheezing) Prevention and solution: Avoid things that can cause allergies in people, causing asthma attacks. For example, by dusting the mattress, pillow or blanket. Avoid extreme temperature and humidity, animals piaran or food that can cause allergies.

Treatment: To cope with asthma attacks is to use reliever medication (bronchodilator) by inhalation. Another way is to do therapy that will teach you how to relax and catch your breath in case of an asthma attack. When asthma is severe, it can use reliever medication every day until the attacks of asthma can be controlled. Thus, it is recommended for the sufferer to always carry lozenges drug wherever he goes in order to be used in case of attack.
READ MORE - asthma

lung cancer

Cause: The cancer has become a deadly disease, even lung cancer is the first killerthan any other cancer. Tumor cells or cancer that grows in the lung experienced by patients with lung cancer. Cancer can grow in this tissue and can spread to other parts.

The main cause is cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances and is inhaledinto the lungs and has been accumulating for decades causing mutations in theairway cells and causes cancer cells.

Other causes are radiation radioactive, toxic chemicals, stress, or heredity.
Symptoms: Coughing, chest pains, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, tirednessand weight loss. But as in other cancer types, symptoms are generally only visiblewhen the cancer has grown large or has spread.

Prevention and solutions: Avoiding cigarettes and cigarette smoke also consume lots of nutritious foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent cancer cells.
Because the disease of the lungs primarily caused by cigarette smoke, then youshould immediately cease this practice and do not try to start it for you who never smoked Belm. Avoid also to become passive smokers are even more dangerous than active smokers. Pulmonary care, avoid lung disease, and you can breathe more easily.

READ MORE - lung cancer

how to shrink the stomach

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

You have tried various ways shrink the bloated stomach? shrink the stomach check outthe following tips:

Abdominal organ size is not large but has the ability to stretch and shrink according tothe amount of food eaten at that time. If you consistently consume large amounts of food, your stomach will gradually continue to stretch and you will need more and morefood to make it feel full. How to shrink the stomach that can be tried is that you shouldstill eat 3x a day with small portions. You still need to eat to keep your metabolism isslowed because of reduced food intake drastically. By reducing excessive eating prosieating tips shrink the stomach that there are tips below will not work maximally

Tips on How to shrink belly fat with diet

Eating breakfast is about 200 calories. This can consist of a piece of toast with a littlebutter, one scrambled egg and half a glass of milk.
Eat healthy snacks, fresh fruits, fiber, which is on fresh fruits will make you satisfiedlonger.
Lunch is about 400 calories. approximately half of the average size of the portion of theIndonesian people when to eat lunch.
If after 2 or 3 hours of lunch are you're feeling hungry again so please take your freshfruit as your snack.
Dinner is 400 calories alone. This is usually the most difficult foods to keep 400calories, especially if you're eating out, soon you're trying to remember how to shrink the bloated stomach.
It should if you have tried diets that are taught in the morning above since you will notbe easy to hungry in the afternoon. If you have difficulty with adjusting the diet would not hurt you milirik nutrition diet program that simplifies setup diet, especially for those withlimited time
In addition to dietary regulation, shrink belly fat and also assisted with the exercise, docardio exercise in character. Cardio exercise (also called cardiovascular exercise) is very effective in burning calories, because when your body burns calories areautomatically fat in the body fat is reduced, one of the favorite places is accumulate fatin the abdomen. do the exercise as a way to shrink your belly.
When you have to manage your diet, then you have to do exercise, there's still that need your attention to shrink the bloated stomach. Watch your habits without realizingthat contributed to the emergence of belly fat, so consider these habits as a way toshrink the stomach.

How to shrink belly fat by not doing bad habits

Avoid missed meals, so you should eat at least 3 times a day, but of course with lowcalories but full of nutrients.
Avoid drinking alcohol, if you have trouble, kurangin konsumi your alcoholic beverages
Do not abstain from consuming a diet with protein.
Do not eat (snacks or dinner) for less than 3 hours before you sleep, so if your sleepclock is at 22, then eat your meal at the maximum is 19.
Enough sleep, lack of sleep including customs contrary to the tips shrink the stomach,every day adult takes 6-7 hours sleep to rest after a day of activity.

Good luck


READ MORE - how to shrink the stomach