3 most dangerous tribe of cannibals

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

1.tribe Caribbean
The name of the tribe that is the term for people who eat other people. This tribe isknown to be the first tribe in the world who do practice cannibalism. By the sailorscalled "The Carib people of the Lesser Antilles. " This name given by Columbus on his record with the name "caniba" (which is another word for Kariba, which means "peoplewho eat people. ") The Caribbean tribes usually do cannibalism to the enemy, butsince the entry of Christianity there, the culture slowly began to disappear.

2. Aztecs

Aztec tribe as the tribe is no doubt the most mischievous before the discovery ofAmerica by Columbus. They do use a human sacrifice thousands each year. Victimsare usually revoked his heart is still beating whilst in a state of life. Then his body made​​cuisine to eat a gang.

3.Fiji Tribe

Cultural cannibalism is also known to have spread in the area of ​​Polynesia andMelanesia. For example, Fiji is known as a island of cannibalism. A tribal chief had admitted consuming fiji 875 people and is very proud.

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