Overcome Sex Addiction

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

The sage is often said that any case if too much is bad consequences. How to criminal and sexual activity? Does the person who is addicted to sex is also bad consequences.Some may say yes adapula denied this. No need to debate, but consider the following information about this sex addiction problem.
What is sex addiction?

The experts concluded that sexual addiction is sexual activity that later became uncontrollable. Addiction to sex forced the 'patient' to always look for opportunities and could have sex every time, which could affect the self, social relations and the scope of work.
For Male sex addict, this can bring in 'catastrophe' for himself, especially when not accompanied by an adult mind. The problem of sex addicts generally feel there is nothing wrong with him. Most of the sex addict will deny if some say he was troubled.The reason that 'pintar'pun often spoken of sex addicts, if the men were asked the reason why her sex is everything.
Sex addiction shape can vary, but generally outside the control of behavior. Such behavior for example:- Liking things excessive pornography- Exhibitionist and the like- Too often masturbate- Like phone or internet sex- Affair that is done by many people- Sex-risk (high risk sex)
Sex can become a 'dependency' as well as when you are dependent on alcohol and other liquors. During sex, our bodies produce a chemical reaction that makes us feel 'comfortable' and quiet.
Some people become addicted to the 'benefits' of this chemical reaction and becomes obsessed to always get the sensation of sex that much higher. And tubuhpun familiar with this chemical reaction, so that the 'addict' is always trying to maintain her sexual activities, in order to get a 'condition' that has been accustomed to it.
Difference is the sex addict and connoisseur of sex, addict often does not matter if he was in danger when trying to perform sexual acts. Sex lovers can still think 'straight' and resign if their sexual actions will bring harm or shame, either on themselves or their partners. While the addict will go ahead and do not care about the consequences.
Approximately 2-6 percent of the total world population experienced sexual addiction.But it could be a reality greater than that amount, given the addict usually ashamed to admit his situation and did not have the courage to visit a doctor to seek help.
Limits for which it was suffering from sex addiction is not limited to age, occupation and gender. Since the more widespread use of the Internet, where sex smells services getting cheaper and easier, experts estimate the sex addict patients increasing in number.
Dr. Patrick Carnes, one expert in the field of perlaku irregularities and sexual addiction, saying that there are some symptoms that need to be wary about sexual addiction, namely:
1. Feeling that your actions begin to uncontrollably
2. The tendency to perform sexual activities that damage / high risk
4. Like sexual fantasies to satisfy the sexual desires that can not be achieved
5. Feeling unable to stop our attitude, despite knowing about the consequences of your actions are
6. Always wanting more sexual activity, minimal as it ever gets, or even more than that
7. Spend more time just to satisfy sexual desire and all things surrounding the sexual activity

8 .. More concerned about sexual activity over the need to socialize, work matters and other entertainment.
9. Always wanted to do things of a sexual nature

How to Overcome?

If you feel you have the behavior mentioned above, the first must realize is that sexual addiction is a serious problem that will not disappear by itself. You must get treatment or therapy to cure it.
Most people find it difficult to change their own behavior. You may be able to reduce sexual activity for a while, but usually the cycle will be more frequent and difficult to cut.Therapy services from professionals can help you understand what's going on and strengthen your spirit to turn it into a more healthy sexual life.
Treating sex addiction, like other addictions, depends on the person concerned. If he could realize that his actions are wrong and there is a will to change it, the treatment becomes easier. Treatment process can be a series of therapy on sexual health, healthy relationships, marriage, or follow the program support group. Sometimes certain drugs, like Prozac or Anafranil, is required to withstand excessive sexual drive.
If your partner is experiencing sexual addiction, this is a challenge for you to help him change his behavior. You need to realize also that no one can recover from his addiction unless he accepted that he had a problem and was determined to change.
Having a partner that sex addiction is hard and confusing, but it is not impossible to cure. You just need to encourage him to consult a doctor.

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