3 Fish World's Most Beautiful

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

1. Mandarinfish

There are 2 varieties of this species: Mandarinfish standards and PsychedelicMandarin. The standard usually have a pattern and color better than Psychedelic reply.
Ga price is more than $ 20 per cow, but who the problem was the food. Theyjust eat the micro-invertebrates living on coral rocks. To be able to keep in home aquariums,
we need to have elbow coral rocks in the aquarium for a month to allow the fish to adapt to his new environment.

2. Discus

This fish is a species of freshwater fish is a fish which may be the most beautiful fresh water. The price is also very expensive: seedlings 3 inches in length which rangesfrom $ 50 - $ 80

3. Lionfish

This fish is also called zebrafish. It has a poisonous spine in great painful and quiteeffective. People who should definitely keep it clean tank ati2 kalo mo

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